
This part of the guide will cover how to show the user's wallet balance and activity.

This data will be retrieved from the Slyk API inside a Next.js getServerSideProps method using the Slyk SDK.

Get the list of assets

One thing you'll need is the list of assets. This includes formatting information, like the asset's symbol and decimal places.

The assets can be retrieved with the slyk.asset.list method. Be sure to request all the enabled assets, like shown in the following snippet:

const assets = await slyk.asset.list({
  all: true,
  filter: { enabled: 'true' },
const assetList = assets.results;

Get the user's balance

Then request the user's balance. For this you'll first need to validate the JWT using slyk.auth.validate. This will give you the user object. With this you can now request the balance of the user's primary wallet using the slyk.wallet.balance method, which gives you the list of balances in that wallet on each asset. Please note that balances only appear after the wallet is first credited.

const { user } = await slyk.auth.validate({ token });
const balance = await slyk.wallet.balance(user.primaryWalletId);

Get the wallet activity

const activity = await slyk.wallet.activity(user.primaryWalletId, {
  page: {
    number: pageNumber,
    size: pageSize,
const activityList = activity.results;
const activityTotal = activity.total;
const products = await slyk.product.list({
  filter: { available: 'true', featured: 'true', visible: 'true' },
  all: true,
  sort: [{ name: '-updatedAt' }],
  include: 'gallery,questions',
const productList = products.results;

Put it all together

export async function getServerSideProps({ req, res }) {
  const slyk = createSlykClient({ apikey: process.env.SLYK_API_KEY });
  const cookies = new Cookies(req, res);
  const token = cookies.get('token');

  if (!token) {
    return {
      redirect: {
        destination: '/',
        permanent: false,

  const assets = await slyk.asset.list({
    all: true,
    filter: { enabled: 'true' },
  const assetList = assets.results;

  const { user } = await slyk.auth.validate({ token });
  const balances = await slyk.wallet.balance(user.primaryWalletId);

  const products = await slyk.product.list({
    filter: { available: 'true', featured: 'true', visible: 'true' },
    all: true,
    sort: [{ name: '-updatedAt' }],
    include: 'gallery,questions',
  const productList = products.results;

  return {
    props: {
      user: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(user)),
      assets: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(assetList)),
      balances: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(balances)),
      featuredProducts: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(productList)),

Last updated

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