
Module endpoints

GET /wallets

GET https://api.slyk.io/wallets

Retrieves a paginated list of wallets.

The name filter performs a SQL query using the like operator.

GET /wallets/:id

GET https://api.slyk.io/wallets/:id

Gets the wallet details of the given id.

  "data": {
    "createdAt": "2019-03-20T14:30:37.483Z",
    "customData": {},
    "description": null,
    "id": "fc78d28f-a8dd-49de-a22f-722fe3bd26c7",
    "locked": false,
    "metadata": {},
    "name": "Waldo Fred wallet",
    "ownerId": "5a9cf5ad-3999-497a-927e-da7157dc43a6",
    "reference": "123456789A",
    "updatedAt": "2019-03-20T14:30:37.483Z"

GET /wallets/:id/activity

GET https://api.slyk.io/wallets/:id/activity

Returns the wallet activity of the given id.

GET /wallets/:id/balance

GET https://api.slyk.io/wallets/:id/balance

Retrieves a wallet's balance for the various assets it contains. Only assets that were ever transacted on the wallet will be shown (even if their balance is currently zero).

GET /wallets/:id/movements

GET https://api.slyk.io/wallets/:id/movements

Convenience endpoint to get a paginated list of movements from the wallet of the given id.

GET /wallets/:id/transactions

GET https://api.slyk.io/wallets/:id/transactions

Convenience endepoint endpoint to get a paginated list of transactions where the wallet id may be either the destinationWalletId or the originWalletId of the Transaction object.

GET /wallets/activity

GET https://api.slyk.io/wallets/activity

Returns the wallets activity.

GET /wallets/balance

GET https://api.slyk.io/wallets/balance

Retrieves a Slyk balance for the various assets it contains. Only assets that were ever transacted on the wallet will be shown (even if their balance is currently zero).

PATCH /wallets/:id

PATCH https://api.slyk.io/wallets/:id

Patch the wallet details of the given id.

POST /wallets

POST https://api.slyk.io/wallets

Creates a new wallet.

Last updated